Monday, June 18, 2012

this and that

 I've just been a super super busy bee so Heres some catchin' up on everything.

Had alot goin on in the work room

Finished this halter toddler dress

Open back toddler dress

I suck at using patterns so i'm learning with these

Organized the work room a lil!

Added these to the shop!

I've been trying to do more embroidery stuff

The Gypsi gets wilder and wilder every day

We are going to be set up at harley davidson and panhead city swap meet saturday sellin' these prints and some other stuff for both the tattoo shop and my shop

Kalieb and Tucker finished Tuckers bike and he got it on the road for the first time

pep talk

Gypsi Rose is sneeking books into her bed.

Throttle is being super duper lovey as usual

 All smiles!

Found this hat on the side of the road for Tucker

Got my tan on ya'll!!

Went to a super fun photoshoot with TRD photography for I am me magazine!

Roni kept Gypsi Rose overnight so I got to spend the day up at the shop

Alan Berg stayed with us the weekend and did a guess spot up at the shop, had a shit ton of fun!!
He did a super rad Hellcat Mama tattoo on me, I'll post pictures when its healed. If you lived in the Pensacola area or close you should go get some work by him at skin and bone tattoo!! or buy some of his prints to fund his knuckle <--- you can check him out there

Painters piss and fire.

Found some junk on the cheap cheap.

Went blackberry pickin' across the road from my house

Gypsi Rose turned her splash pad into a mud pad

 Cooked a super super super awesome catfish feast! YUM.

and then Tucker spewed beer all over my floor, couch and walls.
what do I do? grab my camera of course.

I promise I'm attempting to make more time for my blog and to make it more organized but I can never seem to catch a second to sit down and spend this much time on my computer
Helloooooooo have you been outside lately? who wants to spend it on a computer????

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